Wake up your Authentic Self & Unleash Your Soul's Purpose

Your Authentic Self is within you, but chances are due to conditioning, supression of our intuition or true gifts - we have lost touch with this part of ourselves. This is more than a masterclass, it's a Soul excavation into the depths of Your Soul's Authentic True self. When we tap into this place inside of ourselves, we begin to wake up our Authentic Self and step more into our Spiritual Alignment in our daily lives. We walk forward with clarity, confidence and conviction of tapping into our Life's Dharma or Soul Truth inside of us.
soul purpose through the chakras

Soul Purpose Through the Chakras!

Next Level your Chakras: Uncover Your Authentic self Expression, Step into your Spiritual Alignment & Awaken the truth of your Life Purpose

If you're uncertain on your Purpose(dharma), You're confused on your spiritual Journey or need to communicate with your Highest Self, 

Look no further than...


Embrace a Unique empowering journey through your Chakra system

Where you uncover, who you are beyond conditioning, 

Each Lesson will focus on one Chakra and move through into uncovering deeper layers of our purpose and authentic truth that forever lives inside of us.

This Unique Soul Excavation will be about uncovering the deepest layers of our Authentic Self within our Chakra system. This is new material (not featured in Empower the chakras) where i’m teaching you how to uncover Your Authentic self through powerful Questions and Audio Lessons designed to UNCOVER who you truly are and Remember. 

In this Journey,  we will go into some deep talks about Emotional Liberation through the Chakra system.

 Note this will be not about healing like my previous course. This will be an energetic deep dive into uncovering your Authentic true essence.

What does it look like to unleash from your Authentic Soul's Purpose?

Some of the Topics We Will Uncover as we Venture into the Chakras:

Each Lesson focuses on building your foundation of your Authentic Self within the Chakra system

  • Unlocking Your Abundance Mindset and Tapping into Your Abundant Field of Consciousness

  • Soul Calling! Are you answering Your Soul's Calling?

  • Releasing misaligned Emotional Patterns and Reactive Habits


  • Heart Chakra Opening Techniques to stop getting in your own way of receiving!

  • Removing Energetic blocks with the HEART CHAKRA

  • Exploring Embodiment from the Mindset Level to the Body

  • Learning How to Expand your Receiving Container to Allow in more desires & your highest good

  • Stepping into Quantum Manifestation

  • Developing Empowered Questions to Unlock, Uncover, and Reveal from your Subconscious what needs to be heard, seen and felt in your chakra system

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